Get Involved!

The Young Ecosocialists recently held an involvement fair for caucus members.  The recording of that call will be available soon, but here are some priority tasks that we are looking for right now.  More info on each task below.  If you are interested, email us at [email protected] with the desired position in the Subject line.

Media Committee

Social Media Scheduler

Live Streamers/Interviewers

Finance Committee

Fundraising Copy Writer

Finance/Media Liaison

Finance/Outreach Liaison

Outreach Committee

Movement Liaisons

Campus Chapter Coordinator

State Liaisons

Education Committee

Organizer Call Booker

Education Program Promoter

Resource Curator

Materials Working Group

Art Director

Graphic Designers

Video Editors

Web Master Working Group

Web Master

Web Designer


Social Media Scheduler (MediaCom) - Develops and Carries out a social media schedule for the caucus across social media platform.  Works with other MediaCom members.  Can be an individual or a team.

Live Streamer/Interviewer (MediaCom) - Develop and carry out regular social media livestreams with caucus updates, interviews with members/activists, and reports on issues. Can be an individual or a team.

Fundraising Copyrighter (FinCom) - Writes fundraising email blasts, text blasts, and social media posts in coordination with the Finance Committee.

FinCom/MediaCom Liaison (FinCom) - Coordinates fundraising posts with MediaCom and Social Media Scheduler. Will need to become a member of both FinCom and MediaCom.

FinCom/Outreach Liaison (FinCom) - Coordinates membership dues and donations with Outreach Committee's database work.  Will need to become a member of both FinCom and AccCom.

Movement Liaisons (AccCom) - Engage with other social movements on behalf of the caucus with the purpose of reporting back movement news and opportunities. 

Campus Chapter Coordinator (AccCom) - Coordinates our Campus Chapter Program, including identifying new potential chapters and advisors and working with current chapters to provide resources and increase coordination.

State Liaisons (AccCom) - Coordinates with youth in their state, potentially organizing a state caucus chapter.

Organizer Call Booker (EduCom) - Schedule and book call guests for the Education Committee's Organizer Call Series.  Work in coordination with EduCom.

Education Program Promoter (EduCom) - Promotes events put on my the Education Committee using various systems (CallHub, eblasts) and in coordination with MediaCom.

Resource Curator (EduCom) - Collect, organize, and curate resources for caucus members, including a Ecosocialist reading list and other resources. 

Art Director (Materials) - Coordinate various caucus art and materials products.

Graphic Designer (Materials) - Design a wide range of original content graphics for the caucus ranging from memes to infographics to fliers and promotional materials.

Video Editor (Materials) - Edit video for various caucus needs.  Right now there is a healthy backlog of raw Organizer Call video that need to be processed for posting, but there is also a high chance of working with all parts of the caucus to produce/use caucus content.

Web Master (Web) - Day to Day updating and maintaining of the Young Ecosocialists website.  NationBuilder experience preferred, but training can be provided.

Web Designer (Web) - Overhaul the Young Ecosocialists website in coordination with the Steering Committee.  NationBulder Experience Required


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